The last day in Sweden
Yes, the last Swedish day has now come to it´s end. My flight will leave Arlanda tomorrow morning at 9.05, to go to Alaska, Anchatore for almost a year. I am so nervous right now, and I have had a really hard time to sleep the last couple of days, but I took a long jogging tour tonight, and that made me feel so much better!
Today I also said goodby to some of my absolute best friends, Denise, Ninni, Lovisa and Etienne, and also to my grandpa and Ingrid. They came over at a "fika" and we had a nice time. I know I will miss them all a lot, but hey, it´s soon summer again, and then I will be back in boring Sweden!

My dear dear dear friends!

From the left: Dad, grandpa, and Ingrid!

From Left: Lovisa, me Denise! Hahah, so ugly picture! Lovisa gave me a USB with a lot of really old pictures, and we found one with a picture that looked a bit like this one but were like 7 years old! But here is a upgraded version!

Me and Denise! I will miss you sooooo much Denise!!

My friends posted this on Instagram, and I stole the picture for the blog, hehe, but it is me with Ninni, Etienne and Lovisa. And it says "we will miss you" under it, I will miss you too guys! SOOO MUCH!!
My hostdad sent me a picture of my new american bed! It looks like it is the dubble size of my swedish one!! Im gonna sleep really well in this bed!

And I love the colours, light blue and brown, I could really not ask for more! I really look forward to go and sleep there now!
This is probably my last blog post before I arrive in Alaska, maybie I post something when I am in New York, before my next flight leaves, I have like 5 hours to kill there, so we shall se. Otherwise you will hear from me when I arrive!

I will miss you too, but I will try to follow your blogg as I am not in the facebook.
Many hugs /grandma
Kommer att sakna dig.Look up for the bears! Jag dyker kanske upp nästa år! Hugs from grandma
Är så nyfiken. Gick resan bra? Kram