Homecoming date - check!

Today was a good day! First of all because me and my Swedish friend Nora who also goes to Dimong high both had to change some classes, and we both could, so now I only have chill classes! So here is is my new schedule! I am so pleaces with them all! I have the "Teen Issues" class together with Nora, so we are just sitting there talking Swedish and noone understands us! Then I also choosed Guitar instead of American History, and that was a really fun class too! I already know some ackords and some songs, so it was actually pretty easy even if the other students already have been in that class for about one month now. And it was also really fun to do music again! I havn´t had it on my schedule for over one year, and to start it up again made me realise how moch I have been missing it. 
And suring lunch me and Nora was going out with Lexie and Michael, because they wanted to go to McDonalds or something, I brought my own food, because the fastfood here is not really that friendly for vegetarians.. But yes, we whent out of school where Michael was waitning with his car, and there he stands, with flowers and a sign where he asked me if I wanted to go with him to the Homecoming dance this Saturday! I was so surprices that he made such a big deal out of it, I mean that would never happen in Sweden! I mean I have never even got flowes from a guy before, haha! But I guess that is how they do it here in the states! But it was so sweet of him, and im sure Homecoming will be fun! 
He tried to write it in Swedish, as you can se, and he almoust nailed it! (or googletranslate did..), haha! We had a good laugh about it when I told him what it actually stood, something like: "Hey Swedie, It will really be cute when you go to homecoming with me?" 

Men gud vad gulligt!

2013-09-17 | 14:32:53

Han verkar jättegullig, men det kommer antagligen fler under året!


2013-09-17 | 16:01:07

asså jag är SÅ avis på dig!!! Fan va cute!! Ditt år verkar bli fett!!

2013-09-17 | 16:54:49

hahah!!! Fantastiskt! xx

2013-09-18 | 20:42:03

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