My week in pictures

Monday: I whent to the gym to do a boot-camp, and after that Harrison came and picked me up, and we whent to the cinema! We saw "Gravity", it was a really good movie! I don't know if it is out wet in sweden, but if it is you should all go and se it!

Tuesday: After school Kristie picked me up, and we whent to a skate/snowboarding store and I bought some winter clothing. In the picture you can se it, I bougt a "Ninja suit", which is made of Merino wool, one of the wormest materials in the world, so it I don't survive the Alskan winter now it would be weird.
I also did ballet!

Wednesday: I whent out in the middle of the night to catch the auroras with my camera!

Thursday: Ballet day #2! I really like the ballet studio I go to here in Anchorage, even if I'm not allowed to do the harder classes (I had to do kind of a test class to se which level they thought I should attend, what I didn't know was that they did it at my first ballet class for 5 months.. I didn't know that they caunted that class as a test, and of course it didn't go to well after such a long pause, so they places me in a "open teenage/adult class"..). But the good thing with the classes I go to is that there never are more than 6 people in it! And usually we are only 2-4 persons, so it is like a private class, and you really learn a lot, about the details that maybe is harder to work on on a higher level. But hopefully they will let me take the harder classes next semester!

Friday: This day was a day off from school, because it was like "Alaska day" or something like that, so I spended it on the gym!

On Friday I also whent to Cosco with my hostparents to buy some new veggies and fruits! Cosco is like the biggest food/everything else that you didn't think should be in a food store store! It is like Ikea but with food and other stuffs!

This moose did also walk around in my neighborhood that day!

Saturday: I whent to the gym, and after that I whent to buy my first coffee in almost a week!! IT WAS SO GOOD! (maybe I'm getting a bit addicted here...) I didn't get in on Starbucks this time, because my hostdad wanted to show me the Alaksan coffee place, which actually was even better than Starbucks, because they had soy milk that you could have in your coffee, which I have not seen on Starbucks!

Later in the afternoon on Saturday I whent to Noras house (my sweede), and she had the fatest cat I have ever seen!! It was like dangling when it walked! HAHA! And what she does on the picture is pretty much what she did the whole time, chilling on the armchair!
By the way, my granddad has exactly tha same armchair as they had home at Noras place! I felt like home!

Noras host sister Hattie whent with us to The Beer Tooth (a cinema place), and we watched "The Heat" together, I have seen it before, but Nora hadn't, but it was still so much fun!!

I absolutely love that cinema! Here on the picure you can se the room where you order the food you want to get when you watch the movie (there is tables in the room where you se the movie), and the atmosphere in here is just so chill! It really reminds me of one of my favorite Coffee places in Stockholm, "Kaffé String".

After the movie we whent home to Noras place again where me and Nora watched "Svenska Hollywood Fruar", and talked about everything that matters to talk about! I slept at her place, and in the morning today (Sunday) we both spent some time at the computers Skyping with our Swedish families. Her hostdad made us American panncaces with Swedish Lingon berries to brakfast and we had a great time together!
Yeeeeezz, so that was my week! Hope you all have had an awesome week too!

Härlig frukt, vackra stjärnor, glada människor o en tjock katt ! Vad mer kan man begära? Kram mormor