Alaska sea life center
Hi! Yesterday my local STS coordinator had fixed a daytrip to Alaska sea life center with some of the other exchange students from Anchorage. It took almoust 3 hours to drive to there, but we had stunning views during the whole ride so we survived. We spended almost 2 hours in the Sea life center, and then we whent out to eat lunch/dinner. The Sea life center was placed in like the smallest town I have ever been to, so they didn't have such a big range of restaurants, but me and Gjöri (from Norway) found a Greek/Italian restaurant (americans are weird, I mean Italy and Greece have totoally different fook cultures, but they mix them on the same menue). The most fun thing that happened on the restaurant was that under the title "Italian specialties" the first dish was "Chicken Masala"... That is like the most Indian thing ever.. Americans!

We stopped during the ride several times to capture the beatuiful views on camera.

Group picture time!!

Fall in Alska

Stop 2 = Group picture 2! The water in the background is looking like milk because it is glacier water, it cantains small particels that makes it look like milk.

Christmas treas!!!

Me! It was so windy!

Group picture 3! At the sea life center, with a real seal in the background!!


The happy fish, so cute!!


Jellyfish. Did you know that they don't have any heart? Or brain? They are stupid hartless creatures! (hehe)
After Sea life center we whent back to Anchorage and home to Micheles (the local coordinator) home to eat, and make Smores, the marshmallow in kex with choclate thing. I couldn't have any marshmallows though (they are not vegetarian), but it tasted awesome with just the kex and the choclate..

My vegetarian smorse in the background!

At the table, where we played some games and had a good time.
It was a good day!

Vilken härlig dag med både natur o djur! Det verkar vara ungefär samma temp som här. Men djuren o bergen är större! Många kramar mormor