A big day!
Hello friends! Right now I'm sitting in my Photo class with nothing to really do, because I forgot my camera at home, so I'm just chilling with good music. Today is an important day, becuse I will get to know if I made it to the Hockey Cheerleading team! I have not told you about it yet, but tried out for the team yesterday and have had Clinic (training for the tryout) for 2 days before that. It was very fun, and I think I did good on my tryout, I mean I have never done Cheerleading before, and I almoust nailed the whole Cheer and dance! The hardest part was the jums.. Let's just say like this - practise makes perfect (and I need some practise..).
But yeah, so there should be a paper somewhere in school saying if I made it or not, I have no idea where though.. Hehe. I'm not sure that I made it though, because most of the girls had done cheerleading for a long time, and they will only take in 12 girs, from the 20 who tried out. But anyways, I had a good time, met new people, learned some cheerleading and did my best, so it doesn't really matter.

The picture is taken yesterday before tryout, I got help from Noras host sister Hattie to make the "cheer-hair". which pretty much was to make it as big as possible and but it in a ponnytail. I forgot my hairbrush though.. So she had to brush it up with a fork, haha! But I had hairspray at least, so it ended up good! Thank you again Hattie!
